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terrestrial globe中文是什么意思

用"terrestrial globe"造句"terrestrial globe"怎么读"terrestrial globe" in a sentence


  • 地球仪


  • The dark vault surrounded the terrestrial globe as if to crush it .
  • A terrestrial globe is one that represents the earth
  • The ball represented the terrestrial globe and the cup in the other hand was a sceptre
  • A terrestrial globe is illuminated emitting blue light in front of a railway station in nanchang , east china ' s jiangxi province january 28 , 2007
  • On the ninth day after leaving yokohama , phileas fogg had traversed exactly one half of the terrestrial globe . the general grant passed , on the 23rd november , the one hundred and eightieth meridian , and was at the very antipodes of london
  • 1 antiquity collections , handicraft , medal , awarding cup , decoration , data plate , the artwork of wood engraving , crystal product , work stationery standard , each kind of vehicle type , ships , sword , terrestrial globe , airplane model
  • But phileas fogg , who was not travelling , but only describing a circumference , took no pains to inquire into these subjects ; he was a solid body , traversing an orbit around the terrestrial globe , according to the laws of rational mechanics
  • Though it was not altogether clear what the painter had intended to express by representing the so - called king of rome tossing the terrestrial globe on a sceptre , the allegory apparently seemed to napoleon , as it had to every one who had seen it in paris , quite clear and extremely pleasing
用"terrestrial globe"造句  
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